December 1, 2022
We all need a helping hand – sometimes that hand is holding a tennis racquet!  Mental illness is still a difficult subject—sufferers feel stigmatized, and many are afraid to speak...
October 24, 2022
TOURNAMENT INFO Tennis Troupe organizes this fun mixed-up doubles tourney to raise funds for CMHA BC Division and encourage dialogue within the tennis community on mental health and addiction....
September 23, 2022
Are you looking for a new way to play tennis? Do you want to meet some new playing partners of a similar level? What about winning some prizes into...
Celebration of Tennis
September 8, 2022
By Joanne Hill  The sports world is full of classic underdog stories—the ones that are made into Hollywood blockbusters that rely on exaggeration to create drama or at the...
September 1, 2022
 Anyone who has stuck with an athletic pursuit knows the value it brings to life on the field of play and off—even if it’s not played at an “elite”...