Fit to Play™-Dynamic Warm-Up (part 2) Upper Core & Arms
Carl Petersen BPE, BSc.(PT)
A dynamic warm-up for the upper core (torso and shoulders) is important to prepare the joints for movement. It helps improve dynamic stability throughout the range of motion allowing good scapular stability during all tennis strokes thus protecting against injury.
The shoulder girdle acts as a funnel to transfer forces generated from the ground up through the hips and legs to core and upper torso into the arms and hand. By using tennis specific motions they help to improve the contraction-relaxation coordination of the muscles around the joints improving performance.
Whether you’re training hard or just out for some fun doubles, following the advice below will help you stay Fit to Play™. This is Part 2 of a 4 part series.
Always Warm up to play or practice, don’t play to warm up.
Upper Core & Shoulder Warm-Up:
Try doing the prescribed sets and repetitions of the following exercises. These warm-up exercises will help to get the correct muscle sequence firing, stabilize the shoulder girdle and lubricate the joints of the spine, shoulder girdle and arm. They should be performed done with correct body alignment and athletic stance to activate the core.
All players can benefit from a well-structured dynamic warm-up before heading on court. The next few articles will continue to build on the first 2 and give you more exercises to help customize your individual dynamic warm-up. Have fun on court and Keep Fit to Play™.
Carl Petersen is a partner/physiotherapist at City Sports & Physiotherapy Clinic in Vancouver. He is an internationally recognized speaker and has co-authored the book Fit to Play™ Tennis as well as a variety of other training resources with former WTA professional, current coach and exercise model Nina Nittinger based in Davos Switzerland.