

October 21, 2021
In February, Canadian Tire Corporation announced an additional $12 million commitment to Jumpstart’s Sport Relief Fund to help sport and recreation organizations build back sport and play in Canada....
March 27, 2020
Did you know only 12% of kids get the recommended amount of activity each day? To keep kids and families active and engaged during this period of physical distancing,...
March 19, 2020
By Carl Petersen BPE, BSc (PT) In this installment of Keeping You Fit to Play™ with Carl Petersen, we’re exploring the importance of a consistent training regiment, and providing...
January 10, 2020
by Carl Petersen BPE, BSc (PT) The Holiday Season has come and gone, no doubt leaving some of us feeling worse for the excess. Some New Year’s resolutions will...
April 25, 2019
Keeping You Fit to Play™ – ABCs of Tennis Training (B1 & B2) By Carl Petersen BPE, BSc. (PT) BALANCED TRAINING PROGRAMS Balanced training means a correct ratio of...