Vancouver, BC – The 2019 LadySport Doubles Championships took place last weekend at Jericho Tennis Club. It was a great weekend full of fun on and off the court. Check out the photos from the event on the BCSWTA Facebook Page.
The BC Senior Women’s Tennis Association (BCSWTA) would like to thank the players and volunteers for their continued opportunity to make lasting memories and friendships on and off the courts. Congratulations to all the participants! Click here for the draws and results..
The BCSWTA would also like to thank and acknowledge the contributions of the event’s Title Sponsor, LadySport, as well as the event’s Advantage Sponsors:
- Amica Arbutus Manor
- Dexter Realty
- SierraSil
- Bancorp Financial Services.
Many thanks for the generosity of the following for donating Draw Prizes:
- Bancorp Financial
- SierraSil
- L’Occitane en Provence
- Tennis BC
- Ati Suganda (for Cantiq Living)
- Kathleen Quo Vadis (for Quo Vadis Flowers)
- Megan Stannard (for SeaFolly Beach Accessories)
- Pamela Steen (Eye Candy Gift Basket)
Until next year!